
Bubblebath.  What is a bath without bubblebath?  Hmm, a bath I suppose.  I didn’t really think that through.  My point, however, is that it’s rubbish without bubblebath.  Or a battleship.

Bubblebath is much maligned amongst boys, in general, and there still persists an underlying tone of girliness about bubblebath, which frankly is ridiculous.  It may not be ‘manly’ to get a book, a glass of wine, some bubblebath, the music of Enya and a naked butler called Franklin to help wash you, but the bubblebath part is not only reasonable but should be the default setting.  It smells better.  It makes YOU smell better, something some people could definitely do with (not necessarily you, dear reader, but you’ll know someone and therefore presumably agree with this point.) You can even put some of the bubbles on your face and pretend you have a beard.  Most beard wearers (wearers?  owners?) used bubbles to see what they’d look like with a beard before making the commitment to actually grow a beard.  Obviously this is really only effective for people who have extremely curly white hair, but still, better than nothing.

Some bubblebaths make grand claims like being able to sooth aching muscles etc.  Radox is a great proponent of this and they make a real effort to get the man market onside by implying that this is a great product for the rough tough gent who has worked physically hard at something.  Personally I prefer wine to sooth aching muscles, though I no longer pour it in the bath instead of the bubbles.

Bubbles are also homeopathic in so much as they don’t contain any actual medicine. But the water does retain its memory of the bubbles and that’s why you see froth in sea. Before the invention of bubblebath the sea was entirely bubble free. You try looking in old books and stories and see if they mention it. As long as you look as hard as I did before revealing this fact you won’t find anything. This also explains why water bound mammals are all so relaxed all of the time.

As well as bubblebath, the market also has bath creams and bath salts.  These are rubbish.  Don’t bother.  These products give you all the things that bubblebath gives you, but without the bubbles, which is the main thing.  It’s the bathing equivalent of having sex with that hottie at work you fancy (gender specific to your orientation and preferences) but without him/her/it being there, which you’ve probably all done numerous times you filthy perverts!

So we’re taking the unusual step of actually having a genuine opinion about the topic at hand.  We say a big yes to bubbles and we encourage you all to do the same, especially if you smell.

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